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Senin, 06 Juni 2011

tattoo skate

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tattoo skate. Skate Tattoos
  • Skate Tattoos

  • Themaeds
    Apr 13, 06:14 AM
    Can't find an iPad 2 for AT&T, but bunch of VZ on the shelves in California...:p

    well obviously the stock levels at your local Apple store are a far better indicator than a national survey

    tattoo skate. bowl to skate while at Off
  • bowl to skate while at Off

  • Michael CM1
    Jun 20, 12:49 AM
    Maybe some of you who own one of the two HD systems can help me out.

    I own a Wii. I really like it, but you've got companies like EA who think it's only 5-year-olds and grannies playing it. Therefore, we get things like NCAA Football 09. That was by far the worst sports game I have ever played. It was like EA took NCAA 06 for the PS2, stripped out everything good and put in a mascot game. EA didn't make NCAA Football 10, and I see no indication of NCAA Football 11 for Wii.

    Thus with the newer designs of the 360 and PS3, I'm considering getting one. I mainly would like HD games at times, especially the college football one. I looked into the 360 Arcade version and balked immediately because it sounds like something for people who never want to save a game. Oh yeah, it has NO WIFI. No WiFi is a dealbreaker on the Pro or whatever 360 as well.

    I have a neighbor who manages a GameStop, so I plan on asking him about this. But I'm just curious as to what you guys think. I have zero interest in buying any movies or music online through this. I really don't know much about games specific to each platform. A friend told me there was a Magic: The Gathering game for XBox. That would be pretty neat, especially if I could trade all those damn cards I have for it. I don't plan on doing any Rock Band or Guitar Hero for those because I dropped $150 on the set for Wii. I saw Final Fantasy XIII was on the 360, but I bought friggin' Final Fantasy X for $20 and never played it on my PS2.

    I also doubt I'll have much interest in these systems' motion controls because of cost. I'm really not wanting to go all in on these things. I just want an alternative to Wii for when the developers get sloppy and don't release a game I like for Wii. I own a crapload of BDs, so that is in my mind for the PS3. But I already have two BD players for my two HDTVs. So thanks for any input.

    tattoo skate. Tattoo, Skate, Orange by Oopsy
  • Tattoo, Skate, Orange by Oopsy

    Jan 20, 05:30 PM
    How is this any differernt than posting a pic of you at a bar or a pic of something while on vacation from your iPhone (or other phone). Even without this Places feature its easy to figure out who isnt at home.

    This would be a lot better because you won't have to take a picture of yourself at the bar (with your hair all jacked up, a girl who isn't your wife beside you in the picture, and 8 empty bottles of beer in the background).

    tattoo skate. Josh Brooks Skate Life is
  • Josh Brooks Skate Life is

  • Surely
    May 6, 10:17 AM
    ^^^I now have an idea of which part of the city you live in, and that is no Conservative stronghold.

    "Save a few fighter jets"? You mean the billions of dollars that could be better spent on more important things, such as healthcare? Billions. And apparently, the numbers that the Conservatives are giving as the cost are way below what the actual cost will be.

    I need to add that the other reason that people voted Conservative is because they had little confidence in Ignatief. This was due to a number of factors, which include his own doing and the smear campaign that was run against him.

    I think that if a better leader would have been running the Liberals, they would have done much better.


    tattoo skate. tattoo RITON TATTOO Skate
  • tattoo RITON TATTOO Skate

  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 05:50 PM
    The 3G graph just shows how ignorant people are when choosing between ATT and Verizon.

    ATT has the fastest 3G network
    ATT has GSM, the standard chipset around the globe

    Dropped calls and data plan are not the same thing

    All this equals that people are ignorant

    I bought a Verizon iPad because I have an AT&T iPhone. I figured that if one doesn't work, the other will. I saw no need to get two devices on the same network.

    But go ahead, explain to me why that's stupid, since I clearly don't get it and I'm ignorant. :rolleyes:

    tattoo skate. tattoo skate
  • tattoo skate

  • majorp
    Sep 1, 04:09 AM
    Update away. Those of you running illegal copies of the WWDC (torrent) will be happy to know that your IP and other system/contact info is automatically logged and forwarded to Apple Legal by the Leopard Software Update. :eek:

    "Enjoyed the preview? Good. We'll be contacting you soon..."

    yeah, it would only cost them $1000+ to have someone come round to my house and do something about it, well worth the �59 they would sell the end product for :rolleyes:

    do they check everybodys IP, how do they know i wasn't at wwdc.


    tattoo skate. Most skate tattoo#39;s i have
  • Most skate tattoo#39;s i have

  • kingdonk
    Mar 2, 12:20 AM
    Is this a new webmail?

    tattoo skate. Tattoos Custom. Skate or Die
  • Tattoos Custom. Skate or Die

  • Brien
    Oct 6, 11:40 AM
    A 4" iPhone would probably replace the 3.5" model so all the current apps would run on it no problem. It might require some tweaking for some apps but the upside is you get to update your app and sell it again.

    If they build an iPhone with the same size screen as the iPod Nano then they could invite developers to develop mini-apps for that size screen to be used on the iPod Nano and iPhone Nano, creating a new AppStore category. Would be a huge market and very attractive to developers of news/info related apps.

    Thats what I would think would be most likely if there was to be a smaller iPhone. As a developer, I just can't see Apple adding two new iPhone sizes. They can't just make the screen smaller as it may make some buttons/UI elements unusable. They could probably go to 4" and keep the same resolution, but at a loss of ppi. 3.5" is great because you can use it with one hand.


    tattoo skate. crazy new skate tattoos
  • crazy new skate tattoos

  • robbieduncan
    Mar 29, 04:29 PM
    This thread is a bit like what happened to me on the way home: a car crash!

    tattoo skate. The Darkness Skateboard Decks,
  • The Darkness Skateboard Decks,

  • admanimal
    Mar 26, 04:01 PM
    I was wondering if that was an iPad on the table too. Only other thing I think it could be was the bill, but for just coffee? Probably was an iPad! :cool:

    I really don't think it's an iPad. Given how it appears to be a bright and sunny day and how much light can be seen reflecting off of most other surfaces, the "iPad's" surface seems too matte.


    tattoo skate. Tattoo 2
  • Tattoo 2

  • OdduWon
    Dec 12, 09:06 PM
    I thought Microsoft already announced this? ohhh no wait my bad, what I meant was a PC to Mac conversion system, I think its codename is Windows.:D

    yeah, windows vista X :D

    tattoo skate. skate lover. 9-7771612
  • skate lover. 9-7771612

  • Vantage Point
    Mar 19, 05:49 PM
    Tiny discounts like that are why people will buy from places like Amazon since even if the price is identical they save much more on the sales tax.


    tattoo skate. A skate friend from Vancouver
  • A skate friend from Vancouver

  • CaoCao
    Apr 13, 12:34 AM
    Racism should be illegal, end affirmative action

    tattoo skate. Le site du skateboard
  • Le site du skateboard

  • firestarter
    May 4, 12:17 AM
    [B][I]Universal Display Delivers Wrist-Mounted Flexible Phosphorescent OLED Display Prototypes to U.S. Army for Field Testing

    Is that the same thin flexible OLED technology Sony was demonstrating at Consumer shows a year before (http://www.physorg.com/news174112703.html)?

    The consumer market contains much more powerful development forces than defence procurement.

    Waging wars in order to further technology is a very poor justification for killing lots of people and squandering billions in cash.


    tattoo skate. Posted By alex in Skate
  • Posted By alex in Skate

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 24, 01:22 AM

    Double post....

    tattoo skate. Skate tattoo
  • Skate tattoo

  • alakazzam
    Oct 6, 10:19 AM
    4" screen in 16:9 format would be nice. I don't find 3.5" too big.

    This would indeed be a welcomed improvement however I highly doubt that there's much truth to these claims.


    tattoo skate. New Indie Skateboard quot;Tattoo
  • New Indie Skateboard quot;Tattoo

  • MacCoaster
    Sep 24, 02:40 PM
    Originally posted by {1984}
    i guess everyone knows about the whole "MHz myth" thing...
    Reason for G4 processors killing the Pentium 4 is cuz of the pipeline and i'm not gonna bother cuz everyone probably knows...
    Funny that Motorola had to add a few more pipelines just to have the G4 catch up to the Pentium 4. Sorry bud, in pure performance, the Pentium 4 2.8GHz and Athlon XP 2.13GHz 2600+ has got it beat. *IF* the G4 was at ~2.x GHz, sure it'd beat the Pentium 4, but the fastest one is 1.25GHz. Dual 1.25 GHz != 2.5GHz in real world so, as pointed by the "benchmarks," Approximately 2.25 GHz G4 (1.25x2) performs just as good as a single Pentium 4 2.8GHz. There are also *A LOT* other things that contribute to performance other than just the stupid pipelines. Memory controller, bus, pretty much anything.

    Right now, the G4 simply sucks. We need the G5 or the new IBM PowerPC. G4 isn't living up to its expectations unless Motorola has performed some miracle to boost the G4 to 3GHz overnight. That ain't happening, either. The best G4 Motorola has ever done was the 7410. Those Dual 533MHzs kicked other arses!

    On the other hand, for productivity, the Macintosh experience is the simply best and fastest, but as a research computer, I'll take a quad Xeon running FreeBSD 5.0 for the price of a high end Power Mac G4, thank you. Otherwise, if I want to get my **** done, I'll simply buy an iMac 800MHz with the best desktop OS.

    tattoo skate. Tattoo and Skate Shop,
  • Tattoo and Skate Shop,

  • Paulr62
    Apr 19, 02:03 PM
    How many others has this happened to?

    tattoo skate. Tattoo Art SkateBoard
  • Tattoo Art SkateBoard

  • avkills
    Sep 22, 06:40 AM
    Ok, so Intel has the Itanium, well they have the Itanium2 I guess if you want to get super current, so what! The Itanium is based on a brand new design that looks good on paper, but Intel will be the first to admit it has not performed as good as they hoped.

    Sun, IBM and SGI have had 64bit processors way before Intel. So if you say the Itanium is ok for the high-end consumer, then It's safe to say that a Sun Ultra10 or a SGI Octane would also be a high-end consumer machine.

    What makes you so sure that a 16 processor G4 machine would not perform, because of the bus speed. What about super high-end servers like the CM5 or the Cray T3D. I seriously doubt those machines have 500Mhz bus speeds, or DDR memory. I know for a fact that the CM5 had dedicated memory for each processor node, and each node had 2 vector units. If you want, I can find out specifics from my brother, who has actually programmed code for it, when he worked at Las Alamos. Whether a 16 processor G4 machine is relevant or not, it could be built and if built right, would be very fast.

    So the .NET family is limited to 32 processors huh....Weak, very weak. You can say what you want, UNIX still scales better than Windows, no matter what the flavor.

    In my opinion, Microsoft is beginning to die a slow painful death. Everyone is tired of their ************ and half-assed attempts of secure computing. Everyone always complains that Macs are not open enough, well I think the opposite is true. Apple embraces open standards and even invents and shares them when none exist, while Microsoft shuns and sometimes even steals others work, in a attempt to push their own proprietary formats and stifle progress.

    I find it funny that Intel invented USB, but it was Apple that took the leap of faith and pushed it into the mainstream. Apple, in my opinion is the only company thinking "outside the box" and in the end, they will win because of it.


    Apr 27, 09:56 PM
    Trump's wet dream is on election night be able to say to Obama, "you're fired".


    Man I can see this happening!

    Jun 15, 10:07 PM
    I have been saying for years this is going to happen and I can't be more excited!

    Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 12, 03:52 PM
    aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I want to buy this!!!! But alas I cannot afford it at present, well it depends on if I get a 3DS next weekend or not. But having used the demo of Outlook I love it, much better then Mail IMO.

    If anyone knows of a cheaper price then around �160 in the UK let me know cause that's the best I've found.

    Sent you a PM

    Feb 18, 11:23 AM
    That "picture" of Jobs at the cancer center is clearly not Steve Jobs. Its so obvious that isn't Jobs that its not even funny. Even though the picture is from behind, Jobs looks like he's quite fine at that table.

    Why am I not surprised he's the one sitting right next to President Obama? LOL

    Apr 5, 11:15 AM
    Also For a 5th gen leaked ipod its pretty beaten up. I mean if i had somehow got a prototype i would keep it in a glass cabinet surrounded with cushions to stop it getting beat up. And wouldn't it run iOS5 if its the fifth generation? so why doesn't he tell us about that?

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