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Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

lea michele dianna agron and cory

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lea michele dianna agron and cory. Lea Michele, Dianna Agron and
  • Lea Michele, Dianna Agron and

  • Dhundhun
    04-24 12:31 PM
    Hey god_bless_you,

    God gave me a RED DOT.

    Anyway, congrats again.


    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Dianna Agron and Lea Michele
  • Dianna Agron and Lea Michele

  • ksircar
    01-18 07:36 PM
    My 140 receipt date is July 11, still no word from NSC, neither RFE nor approval.

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Glee stars Dianna Agron, Lea
  • Glee stars Dianna Agron, Lea

  • funny
    09-16 04:54 PM
    Plase make those Calls...

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Lea Michele and Diana Agron in
  • Lea Michele and Diana Agron in

  • thomachan72
    05-31 07:11 AM
    Please help....I am in a little bit precarious situation here...

    I am frustrated working for Company A and I have a job offer from Company B..

    My question is if
    1: my I140 is approved from company A and
    2: have H1b extended for 3 years for company A
    3: get the H1b transferred over to Company B and then

    leave the Company A and join Company B
    Now Company A revokes I140

    Will by H1B with Company B still valid?
    Right now it would not be wise to make a shift and reapply for LC and stuff with the new comp. Well if getting a GC is not your primary concern then there shouldn't be any problem. Ideally I would wait until atleast august sept to make a decision. thats when we expect the final version of the new bill/law to be clear.


    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Red alert: Lea Michele, Cory
  • Red alert: Lea Michele, Cory

  • like_watching_paint_dry
    03-15 01:13 PM
    u r kidding - u think these blood suckers will sponser a ticket after u leave them - he heee. AFAIK, even American companies won't bother after u get layed off

    It's not an optional or goodwill thing. With a little bit of googling around here's what I found:

    Notify the INS and pay for transportation. Most employment-related visas require the employer to notify the INS when an alien has been fired so that INS can revoke the visa. "Employers are obligated to pay for return travel for that employee back to their home country," Topoleski tells HRWire. Employers who do not comply with these responsibilities are risking being subject to continuing wage obligations for the employee. "The employer's payment obligation ends only if there has been a 'bona fide' termination of the employment relationship, which the DoL will deem to have occurred when the employer notifies the INS of the termination, the H-1B petition is canceled, and the return fare obligation is fulfilled," says Topoleski.

    Link: http://www.visalaw.com/news/HRWIRE%20Article%20on%20downsizing.htm

    You can complain to DOL if due wages were not paid. I would try and hurt these kind of desi consultancy companies where-ever possible just for having poor ethics.

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Lea Michele (L-R) Actress Lea
  • Lea Michele (L-R) Actress Lea

  • Madan Ahluwalia
    02-23 02:55 PM
    Two things:

    1. You might benefit from 245(k) provisions. Check with your attorney.
    2. Do not provide tax returns. it is not required at the time of filing of green card application.

    Good luck.


    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Lea-michele-dianna-agron-kiss-
  • Lea-michele-dianna-agron-kiss-

  • noboundaries78
    10-09 06:55 PM
    I am not a lawyer, but this is what I can tell (as far as I know):

    1. You will get 3 yrs extension of H1B for company B as long as your 140 is not revoked by employer A at the time of adjudication of H1B AND your PD is retrogressed.

    2. If company A revokes 140 AFTER your H1B with company B is approved, this will not affect your H visa/status. what I dont know is: will this create any problems in getting a VISA stamped at the consulate in future or not.

    3. Once your 140 is approved, PD is urs. No matter what happens to the original I 140, as long as you save a copy of approval notice, you can port the PD any time in future.

    4. As you have not filed 485 yet, you are not eligible for AC21. So, once you go to company B (and company A is not ready to co-operate and/or revokes 140); you will have to start your GC process from scratch (new PERM and new 140). However, PD will be urs forever!

    Good Luck.

    I just went through a job change with an approved I-140 and can tell you that whatever kodur_007 has stated is true from personal experience.

    Its a rather big pain though but that's the fate of an immigrant(specially I or C) in the US.

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. dianna agron and lea michele
  • dianna agron and lea michele

  • gcformeornot
    10-13 07:28 AM
    She can get letter from her employer that mentions that she's on maternity leave to prove that she is still employed and also that she can join back.

    you luck.


    lea michele dianna agron and cory. aside GQ criticism. In
  • aside GQ criticism. In

  • Hey Ram GC
    05-05 04:22 PM
    RD is Jun 1st 07, ND is Jun 7th 07 - TSC

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Dianna Agron (L-R) Actors Lea
  • Dianna Agron (L-R) Actors Lea

  • omved
    08-14 08:38 PM
    Thanks Krsk,

    My current AP expires on October 15th. So if I apply for AP renewal now, and the go out for H1B stamping in September. Lets say if for some reason my H1B doesn't get stamped/denied, and meanwhile I try to come back in USA on my current AP - Would this be a problem at POA..IO may cause problem that I don't have valid H1B and AP renewal is pending, and on the top - my current AP expires within next few weeks..

    What do you think..??



    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Cory Monteith, Dianna Agron,
  • Cory Monteith, Dianna Agron,

  • Law Loving Alien
    10-25 03:36 PM

    I appreciete your's feedback....but my PD is current as of now ( again it may retrogess in future...who Knows....) and please note I am not using subsititution labor approvals...

    Do you still think converting I140 to premium processing would be worthwhile and would expediete whole process including I485.......

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Dianna Agron, Lea Michele and
  • Dianna Agron, Lea Michele and

  • gcdreamer05
    12-12 11:36 AM
    Prashanthi was there on chat for 30 min and as no one turned up to ask questions she left. She will be available for chat every Thursday at 9.30 PM EST.

    Oh no missed it, i will surely be online next thursday to talk to the attorney.


    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Dianna Agron, Cory Monteith
  • Dianna Agron, Cory Monteith

  • unbreakable
    03-17 09:45 AM
    I got a couple of emails from USCIS yesterday stating that they have sent notices requesting additional evidence/information on our I-485 applications. My priority date is October 2006 (EB3) and I am not sure why I would get a RFE now. Has anybody with a similar priority date get a RFE too?

    I will let you guys know what was requested in the RFE as soon as I get it.

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Dianna Agron And Lea Michele And Cory Monteith. Lea Michele amp; Dianna Agron; Lea Michele amp; Dianna Agron. Andrew K. Feb 2, 05:48 PM
  • Dianna Agron And Lea Michele And Cory Monteith. Lea Michele amp; Dianna Agron; Lea Michele amp; Dianna Agron. Andrew K. Feb 2, 05:48 PM

  • elaiyam
    05-15 11:01 AM
    Here is my $100

    Paypal Receipt ID: 8D5173328S121125D

    Come on everyone... donate a small percentage of your stimulus package.


    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Lea Michele, Dianna Agron
  • Lea Michele, Dianna Agron

  • GC4US
    08-29 12:36 PM
    USCIS had issued a Direct Filing Update which stated that if the application was filed after July 30, it would have to be filed at the center which has jurisdiction over the state the applicant lives in, which in your case is Massachusetts.

    USCIS has been transfering a lot of applications between the various service centers lately due to the July fiasco. Based on reports from the Ombudsman, USCIS is trying to avoid any unnecessary rejections, and take a more 'customer service' based approach, so hopefully you will be ok, and they'll just transfer the case to the appropriate service center.

    I'm not a lawyer by any means, so please use this advice at your own discretion.

    Good luck!

    Thank you so much nefrateedi,

    I feel a little bit relieved now.
    I read now about Direct Filing....and I understood that if you apply after july 30...you can send the application either to Nebraska or Texas. Hopefully I'm right in this matter.

    Thanks again

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. lea michele and dianna agron
  • lea michele and dianna agron

  • logiclife
    06-30 06:11 PM
    Do not start new thread to respond back or add to what gc_hoga_re has said. His post was offensive to members and detrimental to the organization.

    That thread is now closed and gc_hoga_re has been banned.

    To those who dont like censorship and moderation of forums:

    Immigration Voice neither promises nor practices "Free speech" and "First amendment rights" claimed by members who dont like moderation and censorship.

    We are an organization for Greencard backlogs advocacy, not civil rights like First amendment rights and free speech. In order to worship civil rights like free speech and first amendment rights, please join the ACLU (www.aclu.org).

    Also, Immigration Voice is in its full rights to censor its own site as the site is owned by organization and it is not a public property. Your first amendment rights to "Say whatever you feel like" are guaranteed by the constitution to protect you from congress passing laws that can take away those rights. The constitutional rights dont guarantee you the right to say whatever you want on other citizen's/organization's property/website/domain. So please do not come back to preach the US constitution to the core group. There are thousands of blogs, sites and discussion forums that practice much higher level of censorship. The only way to guarantee the retention of online material is to start your own website and we encourage members who find Immigration Voice as a "Restrictive" or "Non Democratic" website to do that.

    Immigration Voice will ban users, ban posts, delete posts, close threads and remove material that is detrimental to the organization.

    Also, gc_hoga_re has been banned for posting offensive material.


    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Lea Michele and Dianna Agron
  • Lea Michele and Dianna Agron

  • njdude26
    07-03 09:52 AM
    Can a Canadian Citizen work in the USA without a visa ? How easy is that ?
    If you are going to stay 2 yrs in Canada, you might as well spend 1 more yr and become a Canadian citizen.

    I actually have a similar question. I am in the exact same situation. The question is that in this case if you have an H1 stamped in your passport, is it ok to travel to US on that H1 ? or would you need a B2 tourist visa to travel ?

    I am asking since technically you are employed by same employer but you are getting paid by Candian payroll not US Payroll.

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Cory Monteith, Lea Michele
  • Cory Monteith, Lea Michele

  • haeveingridseyn
    09-09 07:56 AM
    Hi Everyone..

    Thanks for providing this information . I am also searching this type of topic.
    Its really helpful to forum members and solve many problem.
    Keep it up.

    lea michele dianna agron and cory. Lea Michele, Dianna Agron and
  • Lea Michele, Dianna Agron and

  • imind
    03-12 03:54 PM

    People who are trying to help with info., please provide your practical experience with confident solutions. Otherwise don't scare or hurt the people unnecessarily . Please let us know your source of information before provide any solutions.
    Let us make our forum helps people... not scare the people unneccessarily by mensioning incorrect source of info. leads to spoil some lifes.

    Thanks for understanding.

    09-14 08:21 AM
    Thanks..I am saying or implying that they broke a Law..I am not an expert in law.. I was just intrigued by what is written on the homepage ""It is discriminatory to have laws that subject immigrants from 4 nations to more backlogs and the resulting hardship from such backlogs."

    So from all the replies , it looks like Money is the main issue ( and off course effort & commitment ).

    We are having donation drives here right? Need to get inputs from law experts and if they think we have a chance - why not ?

    Even though it is discriminatory, it is still within the law - and therefore cannot sue our way out of this mess!

    06-27 10:48 AM
    I have been out of client project after May 15th 2009. I work for a major Consulting company and have been on Bench since then. Got laid off on June 22nd 2009 due to lack of work in these tough times. For the past 5 weeks, I have tried to find a project through various job sites and could not succeed to get even one client interview due to various reasons. One major reason being Billing Rate, which was not fine with my previous employer.

    I am aware that my current stay is not legal anymore and have to wind up things here and leave US at the earliest. I would be getting my last paycheck till this week(June 26th 2009).
    Not sure how much more time it will take for me to get a job. Can anyone advise how long can I stay here to find a project/job(if lucky to get one soon) and be able to transfer my H1 without any issues.

    Please advise as I am in dilemma to stay in USA and try for 1 more month or go back to India at the earliest to find a job there, though the situation is bad there too.

    Please refer to Murthy site link here


    Q4.Can I apply for a status other than H1B if I am being laid off?

    A. In certain circumstances, an H1B employee may be able to apply for another status. There are a number of different options. Depending on a person's individual circumstances, one may qualify for one of these categories.

    Viable options may include F-1 (student status), H-4 or F-2 (dependent of an H1B or F-1 spouse, respectively) and B-2 (tourist) or B-1 (business status). While such a changecould help one stay in status, it is important to ensure that the eligibility criteria are met for whichever status one opts. INS has confirmed that a laid-off H1B worker may apply for a visitor�s visa in order to look for employment. However, a person who is on a status other than an H1B may no longer be able to enjoy the benefits of H1B portability and will be subject to the H-1 cap. This may be the only available option if the applicant's I-94 is expiring, but should not be done without a full understanding of the legal and other consequences.

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