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Senin, 06 Juni 2011

black and white pictures of people

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black and white pictures of people. lotta white people crying!
  • lotta white people crying!

  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 07:36 PM
    Their entire careers depend on maintaining an OS that needs constant maintenance. Windows is inherently broken, and an entire industry grew up to take full advantage of exactly that. Too funny.

    Anyone who knows anything about IT knows that "Windows" is not "broken". It's just extremely "breakable". :p The fact that a million ppl try to write viruses to steal money from the million banks that use it and have a billion customers that use it doesn't help either. But that's where professional security IT comes in. Not even a Mac is "immune" to this, so pro Mac IT should use security too.

    The reason why carreers are made on "maintaining Windows" is because it's POWERFUL. Why would a group of engineers, developers, and MBA's constanty buy an OS that is > 3x more costly than a Mac OS...just up front? And require numerous certifications beyond a "CS degree" to upkeep? And this is just the "desktop" version, never mind the server version which is the leader in the server industry. No...it's NOT u/linix sorry...because "web page servers" are not the only computers in data centers!

    The only "entire industry who grew up to uptake Windows" is the average person who tried to copy what they used for work...and in some cases, the software packages from "IT friends". They may be stuck with something they can't handle if they aren't careful about downloading porn, but it still doesn't change the fact that Windows is much more powerful and hence requires much more "computer-savviness" to use on average.

    black and white pictures of people. in cool white people news,
  • in cool white people news,

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 8, 08:51 AM
    Much easier said then done. Remember, it takes 60 votes to get anything done in the Senate and the Republicans obstructed virtually ever bill brought up.

    i though the budget was not allowed to be fillibustered. It has its own rules in place on it.

    black and white pictures of people. cool lack and white pictures
  • cool lack and white pictures

  • Eraserhead
    Jun 11, 05:49 PM
    Just noticed some empty categories in http://guides.macrumors.com/Special:Uncategorizedcategories that I didn't empty:


    black and white pictures of people. where white people painted
  • where white people painted

  • gusnyc
    Mar 31, 08:11 PM
    I couldn't find where to click. I am using 3.2.6.

    Supposedly the organizer will open after plugging the iPad, but it doesn't happen. What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for your answers.


    black and white pictures of people. white people quot;findquot;
  • white people quot;findquot;

  • thegreatluke
    Nov 12, 11:53 AM
    Hmm, omoshiroi...

    This is sort of off-topic, but is anyone else very amused at the voice they gave for the French John Hodgman? (http://www.apple.com/fr/getamac/)

    black and white pictures of people. lack and white People are
  • lack and white People are

  • sartinsauce
    Oct 17, 09:39 AM
    You know, I would love an Apple phone as much (or even more) than the next guy, but something occured to me this morning...

    All this talk, all this hype. If/When the iPhone comes out, most of you are gonna flame Apple for releasing such a POS. I'm already vommiting at the thought of how many posts will use the overused phrase "underwhelmed."

    You will be underwhelmed my friends, I promise.

    Also, to stay competitive in the mobile phone hardware market, you've got to release new hardware, with new features, at least every year, if not twice a year. Apple seems to be so slow getting out of the gate on this one that I wonder if they could do that. I mean, look at quickly they updated their notebooks to Core 2 Duo. Oh, that's right, they haven't.

    Can Apple produce and continue to innovate a product every 9 months?


    black and white pictures of people. lack people, white people
  • lack people, white people

  • coolbreeze
    Nov 5, 06:56 PM
    I think it would be cool to use your phone for payments and some of these other functions. Excited to see what the next version will bring.

    This. @ any store, @ a Coke machine, @ the movies.

    Just hold your iPhone up to the sensor. Possibly enter a PIN to validate.


    I reach for my phone at the same time I reach for my wallet. Never leave home without it.

    Perfect payment tool.

    black and white pictures of people. white people music, lack
  • white people music, lack

  • bildio
    Apr 21, 07:11 AM
    Sometimes it will just sit there on some of my older workstations. Clearing cache or waiting on hardware or whatever the heck it does.

    Most times it's installing something. I wait it out and eventually windows will shutdown.

    If it's installing something, there's usually something like a "cursor" flashing, but in this case the "cursor" was frozen in place.


    black and white pictures of people. lack and white pictures of
  • lack and white pictures of

  • sfwalter
    Mar 11, 08:10 AM
    Must be nice to be able to spend all day standing in line. I have to earn my iPad 2 today by going to work. I plan on getting there at 4:00pm sharp, save me a white 32gb with an orange cover please :-)

    black and white pictures of people. people on the phone lack and
  • people on the phone lack and

  • prady16
    Oct 19, 12:13 PM
    I believe there will be an iphone, but I doubt it will be a smartphone right out of the gate.
    Not to be too skeptical, but look at how long and how much R&D goes into current smartphones (especially qwerty ones). There were leaks for MONTHS before the E62, TMobile Dash, Blackberry Pearl, Treo 700p/W/750v/680, HTC StrTrK, etc all came out, because these things don't happen in a total vacuum...all that testing, it's hard to keep tongues from wagging and secret cameras from snapping. And people are certainly on the lookout, so it's not like Apple would fly under the radar.


    black and white pictures of people. stuff white people do: rush to
  • stuff white people do: rush to

  • valkraider
    Aug 19, 10:43 AM
    While I am never going to use Places - or anything else like it - I think all these worries may be a little misplaced.

    People can sit outside your home and watch to see if you are home. People can look at your lights or your windows or even send someone to knock on your door - and find out if you are home.

    People were getting robbed long before Facebook.

    And also - status updates like "Having fun on vacation in Hong Kong - two weeks seems too short" make it painfully obvious that you are not at home....

    And even though you can set this stuff only visible to friends - and even set up groups within your friends like "trusted" and "not trusted" or "work" and "personal" and you can adjust visibility that way at a granular level - even though you can do all that: There are ways that the rest of the world can "mine" all of your posts and data.

    Just assume that anything you put on facebook is visible to the entire world and will be so for the rest of time...

    But I won't use Places. People I want to know where I am - I tell them.

    black and white pictures of people. Black and white cutout paper
  • Black and white cutout paper

  • MacCoaster
    Sep 22, 07:29 AM
    Originally posted by avkills
    Ok, so Intel has the Itanium, well they have the Itanium2 I guess if you want to get super current, so what! The Itanium is based on a brand new design that looks good on paper, but Intel will be the first to admit it has not performed as good as they hoped.
    I simply meant the Itanium family, including both the original Itanium and the current Intamium 2.
    Sun, IBM and SGI have had 64bit processors way before Intel. So if you say the Itanium is ok for the high-end consumer, then It's safe to say that a Sun Ultra10 or a SGI Octane would also be a high-end consumer machine.
    Sure, okay. Compare the prices. The Itanium solution is much cheaper.
    What makes you so sure that a 16 processor G4 machine would not perform, because of the bus speed. What about super high-end servers like the CM5 or the Cray T3D. I seriously doubt those machines have 500Mhz bus speeds, or DDR memory. I know for a fact that the CM5 had dedicated memory for each processor node, and each node had 2 vector units. If you want, I can find out specifics from my brother, who has actually programmed code for it, when he worked at Las Alamos. Whether a 16 processor G4 machine is relevant or not, it could be built and if built right, would be very fast.
    Very irrevelant. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the G4 wasn't designed to be run in anything more than a dual configuration.
    So the .NET family is limited to 32 processors huh....Weak, very weak. You can say what you want, UNIX still scales better than Windows, no matter what the flavor.
    Windows isn't designed nor targeted at customers with more than 32 processors. If anyone wanted a 2048-way server, they'd either custom build it and load UNIX on it or have some large corporation develop the computer. It's a lot cheaper clustering 32 high-availablity servers than buying that one 2048-way server. Duh, Windows isn't scalable. It was NEVER designed primarily to be used on 2048-way supercomputers. That's way out of Microsoft's scope and market.
    In my opinion, Microsoft is beginning to die a slow painful death. Everyone is tired of their ************ and half-assed attempts of secure computing. Everyone always complains that Macs are not open enough, well I think the opposite is true. Apple embraces open standards and even invents and shares them when none exist, while Microsoft shuns and sometimes even steals others work, in a attempt to push their own proprietary formats and stifle progress.
    Funny that Microsoft pushed the ever-so-slow W3C to standardize further dynamic HTML/etc. technologies to become standard. Of course, W3C can't keep current to allow people to innovate in the web presentation standards. Microsoft is even pushing XML very hard with .NET Web Services. And yes, Macs are closed. Not in software, but in hardware. Maybe you were confused by the definition of Macs being closed. The older Macintosh hardware is so proprietary it's not funny. Recent Macs adopt technology that had been in PCs before, except FireWire of course, because Apple invented that. But the hardware is still proprietary. I don't see that we are able to take off-the-shelf high quality components and build our own PowerPC computers then slap Mac OS X on it. Also, Microsoft indeed is "against" open source, and yet they maintain a "shared source" implementation of .NET for FreeBSD. In fact, it's a very well done implementation -- not that most-feeble-possible-implementation that we thought could possible be.
    I find it funny that Intel invented USB, but it was Apple that took the leap of faith and pushed it into the mainstream. Apple, in my opinion is the only company thinking "outside the box" and in the end, they will win because of it.

    Maybe it was Apple and Microsoft (Windows 98) who popularized USB, but you've got to realize this. PCs have had USB a few years before Apple. It wasn't until iMac/Windows 98 (note, same year: 1998) that USB got popular.


    black and white pictures of people. non-whites by white people
  • non-whites by white people

  • Thex1138
    Mar 23, 07:33 PM
    I need your clothes,
    Your boots,
    And your iPhone!

    You forgot to say please! :D

    black and white pictures of people. For many, lack and white
  • For many, lack and white

  • brucem91
    May 10, 03:59 PM
    Choosing to run it in osx over windows is just stubborness if you ask me. When all's said and done, you're getting the exact same experience on windows side while in-game, except higher performance.

    The current mobility 4850s in the iMacs CAN run sc2 at native resolution with fluidity. I run max settings and native resolution, spare portraits to 2d, and get 30 fps-- never dip below 24fps. (This is on windows side, the mac osx side gets 20 less fps on average, which is pretty pathetic)Well, like you said, I get the same experience in OS X, just slightly lower graphics settings. Which is fine for me. However, for me, I just prefer to not reboot my mac just for SC II, when it runs in OS X as well. Besides, I normally use iChat or Skype to get voice chat working, which I have set up in OS X. I can't wait though for a week or so when I can then play SC II on my Mom's 27" iMac. I have more VRAM on my MBP, but her screen is so much bigger, so I can't wait. Has anyone played SC II yet on the 27" iMac?


    black and white pictures of people. lack and white pictures of
  • lack and white pictures of

  • number9
    Apr 5, 10:46 AM
    If I would leak something, I would make sure the device is clean, the camera is in focus and there is enough light.

    black and white pictures of people. lack and white photos of
  • lack and white photos of

  • baryon
    Mar 13, 11:59 AM
    You'd think you can trust a device as advanced as the iPhone with something as simple as time :D


    black and white pictures of people. votes. vote. The
  • votes. vote. The

  • Silverfist
    Mar 24, 04:09 PM
    Holding out until inevitable $0.99 sale...



    black and white pictures of people. lack and white people,
  • lack and white people,

  • CTYankee
    Aug 19, 10:51 AM
    oh, great. Just the thing aliens will use to find out where I am and abduct me again. Yeah, sure I had to opt in, but do you know how hard it is to say no to location features?! I mean seriously, don't they realize all the bad ways people, er 'others', can use technology like this.

    If they get me again I'm

    black and white pictures of people. Black and white cutout paper
  • Black and white cutout paper

  • -SD-
    Jun 17, 03:14 AM
    Yeah, there'll be a cheaper version of the S to replace the Arcade/Pro systems. It'll probably have a 120GB HDD and maybe even be glossy white, as white Kinects have been spotted.


    Sep 1, 03:24 AM
    if you think that apple have enough time to speak to every one with this istalled you are wrong! they will however stop people distributing it... this has been shown many times over the past few weeks.

    i am proud to say i am running 10.5 on my top end mini, and will be updating it to leopard beta V0.2

    EDIT: YAY, this fixed my problem with external hard drive crashes and makes this Super Speedy!

    Apr 5, 10:24 AM
    All this post does is make him sound like you can barely handle the iPad. if that is the case, don't get a Xoom, way to advanced for you, you know things like widgets and usb
    I have used a Moto Xoom. Honeycomb requires you learn a new user interface. Instead of a nice seamless experience where you can get right in to using apps, you have to learn about the literally 3 or 4 different ways to trigger, dismiss, and access apps. If they're utilities, they're accessed one way. If they're apps, you've got an app menu and a desktop-style metaphor to try-- either works. It's confusing as hell. I mean, you can LEARN anything, but why would you want to.

    Bottom line-- a Xoom is $800, it's far less functional, and it's far more confusing to use.

    Mar 24, 06:58 PM
    If your local store does not have it, call nationwide. My local verizon store said they ship for free anywhere in the U.S. by FedEx. I had one shipped to Florida. Hope this policy is not unique to the store I visited.

    "luckRunsOut" reports above that the store in San Antonio off DeZavala have a lot left in stock.

    Mar 25, 09:57 AM
    Im pretty sure Kodaks going to be left holding the bag on this one.

    Sep 25, 10:33 AM
    It's about time for a refresh!

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