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Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

quotes about god

/ On : 06.05/ Thank you for visiting my small blog here. If you wanted to discuss or have the question around this article, please contact me e-mail at herdiansyah hamzah@yahoo.com.
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  • LastName
    Mar 26, 08:09 PM
    ""They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it." Which seemed to be about web content, said the tipster."

    How can that be interpreted about web content ? :confused:

    A lot of people depend on their Internet porn, I guess.

    quotes about god. quotes about god being in
  • quotes about god being in

  • LeoNobilis
    Oct 6, 04:54 PM
    3.5", or even 4" - is too small for a smartphone of iPhone's capability! HTC has been very prudent launching the Desire HD (the best HTC device to date) and similar 4+" screen smartphones. Apple has to amend the iPhone design (e.g., both screen-to-device dimensions and overal screen size. Else, of course, the iPhone 4 is a beauty). A 4.5" to 5.5" screen would be most welcome. The current screen size will do for women, children and midgets, but not for the likes of myself.

    quotes about god. meaning of god, quotes,
  • meaning of god, quotes,

  • Designer Dale
    Mar 17, 05:24 PM
    In response to all the "Recommend Me a Camera/Lens/Editor etc" threads, I offer this. Comments or additions?

    Never Show Your Work To Anyone

    Read Only "Expert Photographer" Blogs, Articles, and Books

    Leave Your Camera On Auto...:eek:...

    Buy A New and More Expensive Camera Because It'll Make Better Pictures

    Spend Too Much Time Mastering Photoshop

    Mine is this: Fixate on one style of photography or subject.

    Original stolen from PIXIQ... (http://www.pixiq.com/article/how-to-work-hard-at-photography-and-still-suck)


    quotes about god. SectImg Single Ivanova God
  • SectImg Single Ivanova God

  • rdlink
    Apr 15, 04:27 AM
    How much does a job like this pay? Looks like Microsoft has a Data Center Manager position open. Maybe I'll apply. How hard can it be?

    Just the fact that you asked the question means you're not qualified. Does that clear it up for you?


    quotes about god. quotes on God,
  • quotes on God,

  • Jeffx342
    Sep 13, 10:33 PM
    I wouldn't buy a pc again because of the OS

    I baught windows XP Pro $200
    let me tell ya not even worth a penny

    1. Microsoft has rights to access your computer (disclaimer)
    2. Internal errors in IE 6 (no line found 140)
    3. Windows Xp Uses too much recourses
    4. Something always screws up
    5. you delete a system file by accident windows wont log you in
    6. you have to download Drivers for every little thing
    7. Movie maker Sucks on XP
    8. Media player isn't really that good
    9. I feel like I am handicaped when im using XP, (goofy looking Icons)
    10. Setting up a network can be a biatch*
    11. not responsive enough
    12. Ms Office Xp sucks compared to Mac edition
    13. Freezes alot
    14. Doesn't look pretty like Os X

    Looking forward to getting a Mac...

    quotes about god. quotes about god and love.
  • quotes about god and love.

  • eenu
    Sep 19, 07:20 PM
    What about a firmware update for the 24" iMac?

    and why would this be needed?


    quotes about god. quotes about god and love.
  • quotes about god and love.

  • mKizzo
    Mar 28, 12:19 PM
    So he really doesn't wear anything besides jeans and black turtleneck...huh :)

    LOL. Totally! I'm starting to think he sleeps in that turtle neck too...

    quotes about god. quotes about god and strength.
  • quotes about god and strength.

  • Black107
    Feb 24, 12:43 AM
    The company also offers parental controls built into iOS that allow adults to completely disable in app purchasing, although many casual users may be unaware of the option's existence.

    RTFM. This is a personal issue and something that doesn't require government involvement. Why should Apple have to re-work the system to account for parents who raise greedy spoiled children?


    quotes about god. Loving god changed me loving
  • Loving god changed me loving

  • moneyman118
    Apr 13, 11:35 PM
    Just in case the stealth mission doesn't work call up some Somali pirates for back up.

    I'll be in the elevator with said midget, make that a snappier elevator, to allow for quick transport to the hull of the ship. Once in the storage area we can grab the 2011 iMacs and perhaps a few white Jesus phones ;)

    Edit:The midget was in the old thread, he needs to appear without warning, much like the silent update for the magic trackpad!

    quotes about god. quotes for god. bono quotes on
  • quotes for god. bono quotes on

  • radiohead14
    Apr 20, 02:09 PM
    Why do you guys assume Nvidia cannot make graphic cards for Sandy Bridge? Have you seen Dell's Alienware laptop line? They have the new processors and also are using Nvidia graphics card.

    but those are dedicated GPUs not integrated


    quotes about god. God Quotes About Faith.
  • God Quotes About Faith.

  • BaldiMac
    Mar 25, 09:34 AM
    Before all you Apple fannies disagree with this; just remember Apple is trying to sue everyone else too.

    It's all ridiculous.

    Second that.

    Everyone else? How many patent lawsuits has Apple initiated in the last decade? HTC. Any significant others?

    quotes about god. See more god quotes videos »
  • See more god quotes videos »

  • chrmjenkins
    Jan 19, 04:44 PM
    No launch titles I really care too much about, making the price not worth it. Don't care for $50 games either.

    I'm waiting for the psp2 (at e3, hopefully).


    quotes about god. quotes for god
  • quotes for god

  • Chundles
    Sep 27, 08:57 AM
    Yep, sounds good. I likes me some OS updates.

    Rack up another one (10.4.9) in December followed by another just before Leopard (10.4.10) and I reckon we'd be done.

    quotes about god. quotes about god
  • quotes about god

    May 1, 01:02 PM
    My father bought our Mac a few months ago, and I've been running Elements since. I've never had a problem with it until last week.

    I would have a file open, and suddenly, Photoshop would quit and give me the "quit unexpectedly" dialog box.

    It isn't foce closing on a specific action--it would be anything. If I wasn't using Photoshop but it was open, it would force quit when I went to a different page. If it was open and I was using a filter, it would force quit.

    Photoshop would start up and make it to the editor, but from there, it would be unpredictable.

    My father and I have trashed all the preference folders and uninstalled Photoshop, but that didn't help.

    We have an iMac running Intel Core i3.

    I have attached a copy of the crash report we receive after it force closing.

    Im no expert, but have you recently updated the software? A recent update could cause problems. If you have recently updated the software, uninstall the whole program (make sure no settings, etc) are saved, and then reinstall the program and see if that fixes the problem. If it does, try to update the program back to the newest update that did not cause this problem.


    quotes about god. quotes about god
  • quotes about god

  • bpd115
    Oct 27, 09:07 AM
    windows XP, IE6

    it loads the webmail interface but i can't click on anything. that means the links are recognized by the cursor but nothing happens. it says error in page. so no webmail for me anymore. $99 for that? i want my old webmail back!

    You can still access the old webmail, look in the help section.

    One thing I noticed is it doesn't seem to auto check like gmail?

    quotes about god. quotes about god being in
  • quotes about god being in

  • aristotle
    May 3, 10:51 AM
    Ba-bye Canada :'(
    Are you say that you are leaving? Then don't let the door hit your on your arse.

    This is a democracy and in a democracy there are winners and losers. If you cannot respect the will of the people then I suggest that you find some communist/fascist paradise where you can be free of democracy.

    We have and will continue to have universal healthcare. We have and will continue to have a pension system and hopefully the conservatives can patch it up so that it will there for me when I retire as a supplement/backup for my RRSPs. The opposition parties would have either bankrupted the pension system or raised taxes on everyone which would have caused another recession.

    As for Americans, I don't see the connection. The conservatives are "real" fiscal conservatives unlike the republicans and social moderates. Understand this, social moderate mean that they are out to serve the needs of all Canadians and not just special interests. If there are problems with our system then the solution needs to be to fix it for everyone as that is the only fair thing to do. If you pay into the system then you should be able to access that system.

    The Americans could use some real fiscal conservatives right about now.

    Here in Canada, each party gets money for every vote they receive from a federal fund and this system replaced donations from big corporations and big unions which previously was turning our system into a more "American" style situation with lobbying and funding by special interest groups. Maybe the Americans should think about getting rid of their existing fund raising system and replace it with a taxpayer/voter based system so that they are more likely to work for their constituents rather that whomever gave them the biggest cheque.

    @leekohler: We are smarter than our neighbours to the south. We voted in real conservatives and we have a pay per vote system rather than politicians pandering to large contributors.


    quotes about god. quotes about god and love
  • quotes about god and love

  • Themaeds
    Apr 13, 06:14 AM
    Can't find an iPad 2 for AT&T, but bunch of VZ on the shelves in California...:p

    well obviously the stock levels at your local Apple store are a far better indicator than a national survey

    quotes about god. Mother#39;s Day Quotes – God
  • Mother#39;s Day Quotes – God

  • ct2k7
    May 2, 08:19 PM
    The guy is dead, and not smelling like roses at the moment, so take your samples and dump the carrion.

    The problem is, is that your government is saying things, then going back on it. Nothing is making much sense.

    quotes about god. quot;With God all things are
  • quot;With God all things are

  • Oppressed
    Apr 25, 06:50 AM
    I lol'ed at this:p

    Is this not a dream thread!

    Fine 410m.

    @ Retina display. I seriously doubt IGP 3000 is capable of even running OS X at this resolution let alone anything 3D based like a game.

    Oct 17, 04:03 PM
    Missed this thread. I'll be there.

    Sep 27, 09:11 AM
    If he gets me a seed account, do I have to stop posting here? Cuz that would suck. A lot.

    You don't have to stop posting in general. Only about stuff you download or read on ADC.

    I'm going to predict a Friday release, to coincide with Aperture 1.5.

    Mar 25, 11:15 AM
    Yes well photos were just a fraction of the business they did w/drug stores, considering they bought a big pharma concern. From the NYTimes:

    Published: January 25, 1988

    Apr 25, 01:16 PM
    Even with the App Store a new OS will still require an external medium... For availability at least...

    Apr 13, 12:23 AM
    Why would customers be preferring the Verizon iPad? The (factory unlocked) GSM iPad can be used in nearly every country, and domestically AT&T has faster 3G service if I recall correctly. Although Verizon has better voice and better coverage, I can't see people in metropolitan areas actually being better off with the CDMA iPad. Since the iPad data payment can't be tied to a pre-existing AT&T or Verizon cell phone plan, I just don't see much advantage to getting a Verizon iPad unless you live in an area without AT&T service. Thoughts?

    Well, I can get 22% off a Verizon plan, that sort of thing might matter. Although, I don't want a 3G iPad, so....no matter to me.

    One point I would like to make is that for normal surfing the speed difference really doesn't matter much. My ViPhone is about as fast for average webpages as my 30x faster home internet. Math: I regularly get 33Mbps or more at home (got 37 just now), testing with speedtest.net, still haven't broken 1Mbps on V 3G in various places around town.

    But I digress...it hardly matters because webpages are simple text. You all can measure your di...er...downloads all you want, but loading a couple text files takes almost no throughput. Video streaming and action gaming are different, of course, but those are not the most common uses of a smartphone or iPad.

    I could measure the difference in speed to load a page, say this page of this forum, and it would be obviously faster at home. But it's still only seconds, maybe fractions of seconds. I read fast, but not so fast that 2 seconds or so can change my life. For most people, this is the reality that makes it not matter.* No, I'm not going to choose 3G for Netflix vs my home internet. But then, 90" screen is better for TV than 3.5", anyway.

    The only usage of my iPhone so far where I've truly noticed the slower speed is app downloading. Which is not a major part of my life. If it's massive-upgrade-day for my apps, I'll wait til I'm on wifi at home to download them.

    * Also, crap DNS speed really throws many people for surfing, anyway. The internet's dirty little secret. I wonder how many millions don't realize they could be faster by typing a couple digits into setup.

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